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Application to amend a groundwater licence

20 May 2022 | Notices
20 May 2022

Jan Juc Groundwater Management Area

Southern Rural Water wishes to advise of an application from Alcoa of Australia, seeking approval of an amendment to extend the duration of the currently approved licence for the pumping trial of 1500ML of groundwater, from their existing licence, which will be discharged into the mine void for a further six months proposed to now end 31 March 2023.

The applicant intends to continue to use the information gathered in the trial to support a potential future licence application to use the groundwater to assist in filling the mine void. Any future application would be subject to a separate assessment process.
All groundwater that will be extracted will be sourced from the Jan Juc Groundwater Management Area.

Southern Rural Water is committed to an appropriate consultation process to ensure the proper consideration of relevant matters as prescribed by the Water Act 1989.

We seek comment from any interested person or party that considers that they are, or may be, affected by this application. Submissions on this proposal will be accepted until 4pm on 11 June 2022 and will be taken into account in determining this application.

Please direct enquiries and submissions to:
Lynda Hardy
Senior Assessment Officer 

PO Box 153
Maffra 3860
Telephone 1300 139 510

Please quote reference LH1688777

Cameron FitzGerald
Managing Director